Wednesday 12 November 2008

Wendy Alexander - A History Lesson

Shes back! With a rather severe haircut and some Crap Chat. If you are going to slag off some parties publicly, get their name right. Lets hope the whigs and the tories back this!

S3M-02844 Wendy Alexander (Paisley North) (Scottish Labour): Renfrewshire Nursery School Cuts— That the Parliament notes with grave concern the plans by Renfrewshire Council to downgrade six nursery schools, four to nursery classes and two to pre-5 centres; considers the removal of all dedicated nursery head teachers to be wrong; deplores the forced redeployment of nursery teachers in these establishments; condemns the fact that, at the end of this exercise, there will be a maximum of 20 instead of 39 teachers dedicated to teaching pre-5s in Renfrewshire; congratulates Renfrewshire parents for their efforts to resist these changes, and, with this in mind, calls on the SNP/Liberal-controlled council to use the formal consultation period now underway to retract these unpopular proposals and retain teacher-led nursery schools in Renfrewshire.

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