Friday 22 August 2008


It's upsetting to have to put John Park in here. His chat has been above average for the new intake, though it's not the toughest of fields to compete in. But "We hate Thatcherism" still reads poorly coming from Labour. I mean, come on guys, where was the nationalisation of anything other than Northern Rock? Has a Labour government revived the pits and the docks? Or has it, instead, sucked up to the City just like its predecessors? And, indeed, sucked up to Maggie herself?

Impact of Thatcher government's economic policies on Scotland
That the Parliament notes the comments by the First Minister suggesting that Scotland 'didn't mind' the Thatcher Conservative's government's economic policies; remembers with concern the misery experienced by the three million unemployed in the 1980s when the economic consequences of Thatcherism reached their nadir; understands the devastating impact that the Thatcher government's policies had on mining, the steel industry, dockyards and upon communities across Scotland; further notes that the First Minister has also expressed support for Reaganomics; worries that supply side economics, a largely discredited economic theory, could become a model for the Scottish economy; hopes that the Scottish Government's right-wing economic agenda will not be pursued at the expense of Scotland's working people and their families.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It's upsetting to have to put John Park in here. His chat has been above average for the new intake, though it's not the toughest of fields to compete in."

What an interesting statement to make. Come on Crap Holyrood Chat, don't leave us hanging...who else has met your impeccably high standard amongst the newbies?