Friday, 15 August 2008

Robert Brown - Loves allotments too

Oh my goodness, they're all at it now with these pesky allotments....

I guess Robert Brown just wanted to stay under the radar in a mundane fashion after this delightful gaffe.

S3M-02398 Robert Brown (Glasgow): National Allotments Week 2008— That the Parliament welcomes National Allotments Week 2008, being held from 11 to 17 August 2008; believes that allotments can make a big contribution to healthier living, knowledge of the environment and the seasonality of food; notes the potential for positive links with local schools, and urges all local authorities to identify more high quality sites to satisfy the growing demand for allotments in Scotland.

1 comment:

WATTY said...

i think hell will freze over before argyll and bute council allow the good people of Dunoon to have allotments, they have ignored all representations to them from the local virtual reality allotment association that has been campaigning for allotments to be provided for the past 4 years nearly, and they are no further forward now than they were then.
can`t someone put pressure on them to abide by the act to provide or are they just going to be allowed to put dunoon folk off for ever and a day.